Meanings associated with feminine tattoo designs
Tattoos symbolise certain thought process and beliefs of the person. Next gen is painting the town red with permanent and temporary tattoos all around their body. Tattoos have symbolic connotations depending on the design and type of tattoo.
Feminine tattoo designs primarily include celestial bodies, butterflies, hearts, angels, vines, princess, angels, flowers and zodiac signs etc. Though made to add funk and style, each design has a specific meaning attached to it.
Let's check out the meanings of common feminine tattoo designs:
Celestial bodies: Temporary tattoos with designs of sun and moon are extremely popular in females. These designs represent purity, power, strength plus have other heavenly meanings. Moon tattoos symbolise motherhood and star tattoos have metaphysical meaning.
Butterflies: The cute looking butterflies on the armlet, back, shoulders and naval of girls are an extremely beautiful adornment. Maximum girls select cute butterflies as temporary tattoos because they represent the impermanence of life and the free spirit of human nature.
Angels: Archangels are symbols of guardians angels who protect one all the times. These messengers of God are symbol of love and care of the Divine. They represent one's faith in supreme power. The Gothic fallen angels however reflect the darker side of life.
Heart: The heart tattoos symbolise the belief in love. They look attractive on the back, arm, legs and naval area. Temporary tattoos with sacred heart or heart with wings design symbolise mankind plus faith in God. Broken or bleeding heart represent negative emotions.
Zodiac signs: Symbolic to the characteristics of your zodiac, these tattoos tell your nature and qualities. Though the symbols can be quite boring, it is the variety in design that makes a huge difference in styling. Tattoo artist brings to life unseen forms of zodiac signs.
Roses: Red roses define love, passion and belief in the beauty of nature while black rose is for negative emotions. Yellow rose symbolises loyalty and friendship while pink rose signifies graceful nature and white rose is a symbol of platonic love.
Cherry: The cute looking temporary tattoos with red cherry designs showcase the feminine power. Honour and loyalty are also represented by cherries. Moreover, feminine beauty is also symbolised by cherries.
These are the meanings of few feminine tattoo designs. So, next time when you go for tattooing (be it permanent or temporary) select a design keeping the meaning in mind. Happy tattooing!!